Alyona Artamonova












Alyona (Alena) Artamonova explores types of social networks that favour childbearing and geographic availability of kin networks of older adults within the NetResilience project. She mainly works with register data.

Alyona holds a Master degree in Demography from National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russia) as well as a European Erasmus Mundus Master degree in Social Work with Families and Children from ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), University of Stavanger (Norway), University of Gothenburg (Sweden). She obtained her PhD degree at the Population Research Center, University of Groningen. Her PhD thesis “Family proximity and relocations in older adulthood” was part of the FamilyTies project. Prior to working on the project, she conducted research on family formation and transition to adulthood in Russia and Portugal.

Website in The Family Federation Finland (Väestöliitto)

Website in the University of Groningen