Ageing Finns

Mirkka DanielsbackaLeader: Mirkka Danielsbacka, Assistant Professor, University of Turku

WP2 explores the role of social and kin relations (social networks) for healthy, happy and active ageing using high-quality longitudinal survey and register data. WP2 utilises, for instance, longitudinal Generational Transmissions in Finland surveys combined with population register data and multinational Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe data. With multinational data the aim is to compare older Finns with their European counterparts and also test the potential differences between family cultures and policy regimes. WP2 will document contributions of the older adults and suggest ways to promote active ageing.


The following themes are considered:

(T1) Structure of informal social networks of older adults

(T2) How social networks relate to the wellbeing of older adults and what kind of network and
support structure enhance resilience of older adults

(T3) Older adults as promoters of the wellbeing of others
